6 Step | How to apply Retinol Eye Balm

Follow our simple 6 Step Guide on How to Apply your Retinol Eye balm to maximise its effectiveness.

1. Cleanse
Gently cleanse and pat dry your skin to ensure it's free of dirt and makeup. Apply before using any serum, exfoliant or toner and before applying Moisturizer.

2. Apply to Eye Area
Gently apply the retinol eye balm around your eye area, focusing on the orbital bone and avoiding the inner corder of the eyes, concentrating on those wrinkle prone zones. At first use no more than 3 times a week, then gradually increase frequency to every other night and finally, every evening as tolerated. Do not apply to your eyelids and avoid contact with your eye.

3. When to use
For the best results, use our retinol balm in the evening before you bed. Remember, retinol can make your skin more sun-sensitive, so if you're using it in the morning, don't forget to apply an SPF afterwards.

4. If you have Sensitive Skin
If you have sensitive skin, try using our balm once a week at first. Give your skin some time to adjust to the retinol before increasing the frequency. If irritation occurs discontinue use.

5. Sun Protection
Don't forget to wear sunscreen during the day when using retinol products, as they can increase sun sensitivity.

6. Storage
Keep your retinol balm away from direct sunlight and store it below 23°C (73°F). If you're not sure, just pop it in the fridge for safekeeping.